Try our Easy Business Video service today
Pricing: Flat-Rate Packages Using Stock Footage
Stock-footage videos at a fraction of the cost of custom filming
Created from our library of over 1.5 million stock video clips
Professional, economical, fast and easy
Videos from 15 to 90 seconds long
Script writing, music, narration and more included
Money-back guarantee
Social Ad
15-25 seconds
- Up to 50-word script
- Perfect for social media ads and posts
25-45 seconds
- Up to 90-word script
- Perfect for longer ads, social posts and websites
45-60 seconds
- Up to 125-word script
- Perfect for social posts and website use
60-90 seconds
- Up to 175-word script
- Best for website use
Choose the package that best meets your needs and budget. Once you order, we’ll contact you to confirm your requirements.

Flat-Rate Package Service Details
Money-back guarantee on pre-paid packages. We want you to be satisfied. If you’re not, cancel any time prior to final video acceptance and your payment will be refunded in full.
Edits & changes. Pricing for all flat-rate packages includes scriptwriting and one round of script edits; plus one round of scene edits.
More options. If you need more edits, options or flexibility, select the Custom Video service below.
Your business video marketing skills are the best I’ve ever seen. You did more for less! And you were so quick about it. I am truly impressed!
Pricing: Custom Videos
Custom videos are priced at an affordable hourly rate. Contact us for a quote.
Custom services include unlimited script and scene edits, custom images and video footage, live video shoots, professional voiceovers, animation and more.
Add PowerOptions to any Flat-Rate Package or Custom video (ala cart).
Any length. Any of these options.
- Include your own images or video clips
- Videography – we can film in person or remotely
- More than one script edit – collaborate with us on your message
- More than one scene edit – collaborate with us on the clips and images that accompany your script
- Professional voiceover – we have a huge range of talent to choose from!
- Animation and special effects
- Contact us for a free quote at affordable rates
Add to any package or custom video
$Ala Carte
- Custom thumbnail / title, $25
- Embedded lead collection, $25*
- Call-To-Action end screen, $25*
- In-video links, $25/link*
- Custom player controls, $25*
- Chapter marks for longer videos, $25*
- Closed Captions (subtitles), $25*
- * Requires Vimeo Subscription
I was amazed at how quickly Tom was able to turn around my Custom project. I think it really highlighted everything I wanted a potential buyer to see.